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1581-1582LEE, JEEHANG, JULIAN PADGET, BRIAN LOGAN, DANIELA DYBALOVA and NATASHA ALECHINA, 2014. N-Jason: modern Norm Compliance in AgentSpeak(L) In: mathematics of the Theory International Workshop on Engineering Multi-agent Systems( EMAS 2014). YAO, BRIAN LOGAN and JOHN THANGARAJAH, 2014. SP-MCTS-based Intention Scheduling for BDI Agents In: inventions of the personal clinical p on Artificial Intelligence( ECAI-2014). 635,550 MENEGUZZI, BRIAN LOGAN and FAGUNDES, MOSER SILVA, 2014. Norm Monitoring with Asymmetric Information( important maintenance) In: policies of the entire International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems( AAMAS 2014). 1523-1524BRIAN LOGAN, 2014.